Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Baby Babbles!

Avery is so chatty lately - we can't get enough of her squeaky little voice!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

First Day of School!

Avery started daycare this week! She handled the transition much better than her parents did, and is loving all her new friends. Of course, all of the teachers love her and keep telling us that she is the sweetest and most well behaved baby! Today she brought home her first piece of art!

First Plane Ride!

This past weekend, Avery earned her wings - flying to Santa Barbara for mommy and daddy's friends Dan and Lindsay's wedding. She even got upgraded to first class, which she was very excited about! She was absolutely perfect on the plane and we were very relieved not to be those parents with the screaming baby. Avery loved spending time in California with her Uncle Scott and meeting lots of daddy's college friends.

We even survived Carmageddon 2011!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Avery is THREE months old!

We can't believe our little sweetheart is THREE months old today! It's been a busy month -

We spent a weekend in the mountains with Mimi and Kiffy

A week at the beach with Grammy and Poppy and Aunt Amy and Uncle Ross

We went swimming for the first time too! Avery LOVES the water!!

Happy 3 month birthday sweet baby girl!! XOXO